
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

212 days to go. and today I feel like counting. November 25, 2008

Filed under: eating,family,pregnancy — rakster @ 1:02 pm
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Hi Speck,

Hope you’re well?  I’ve been attempting to eat more healthily after Saturday’s chocolate binge – well, actually your dad is trying to encourage me, which is good.  So I have just had an absolutely delicious lunch of home-made falafels and avocado salsa on lebanese bread with yoghurt.  Yum.

Bad news on the home front – your great grandfather passed away over the weekend.  That’s a bit sad – ’cause you’ll never get to meet him.  Though I’m sure that your dad will tell you some stories if you ask him.  He is a bit sad at the moment and gave you a big long hug this morning.

Otherwise all is, I hope, well with you.  I am feeling slightly less tired, but that could be because I’ve just been going to bed at 9pm wherever possible and sleeping-in as late as I can too.  Overall had a rather restful weekend, so I think that helps too.   Your dad and I got some more books about stuff related to pregancy and what not on the weekend, and some kind of video too – hopefully you dad can watch this on repeat until he feels more comfortable with blood & gore.  He’s not good with that kind of thing at all.   your arrival is starting to feel a little bit less unreal as the days go by.

Love you


2 Responses to “212 days to go. and today I feel like counting.”

  1. aunt3 Says:

    mmmmmm… falafel….

    and yes i think other people worry re: to wax or not to wax… that is the question…

    p.s you should have a boy 🙂

  2. rakster Says:

    a boy huh!

    maybe I should start a vote for a boy or girl poll? I started one for due date but no-one has entered yet… Maybe I’ll just put a list up starting with you Aunt3.

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