Hello Speck!
We made it! We are finished and eating muffin and hot chocolate in a cafe. Mmmmmm.
You will thus be spared any more bumpy days. You’re 22 weeks today, and according to Kaz there are some who say that you begin to think this week. I wonder what you have been thinking?? Bump, ouch, ohh, mmm? I’m hungry I wish she would eat more.. Mmm sugar rush. Bump.
Also I guess maybe you’ll feel a little less constricted without a pair of too tight bike pants holding you in.
Looking forward to the wedding tomorrow and just chilling out for the rest of the day. You’re moving around down in there, I can feel it, enjoy.
Love mum
i dreamt that speck was born and it was a boy!! little speck had blue eyes and sandy hair.. not strawberry or blonde… i don’t think speck had a name though… i think in my dream mum and dad were still calling it speck heheh!
I’ve just been thinking that all Mum is thinking about (can’t be true!) is food. There are so many pictures of food on this blog we could compile a recipe book from them all. Aunt1(who dreamt of little speck being born) could contribute the dietary & exercise advice we got from her recently in an email……. something about swimming not being good for waistlines- look at whales etc..