Hi Little Speck.
What is going on down there?? You are kicking like a demon. The kicks are so strong I sometimes exclaim involuntarily. Like at dinner on Sunday night, when I think you went for the seventies disco workout pose and flung your leg down and out and your opposite arm up, mimicing John Travolta or someone like that, all in one hit. It was such a strong and strange feeling – two spots at once, that I yelped out aloud in the restaurant. Keep it down in there will you! I like to dance too, but you have to dance to suit the situation.
We might have to put some music on at home tonight and have a boogie though – you are going slightly beserk down there this afternoon. And you are pushing up at the top of where you come to in my belly now (about 2 cm above my distended belly button), rather than just kicking at the bottom. I take it back. You are doing loop-the-loops and just kicking or throwing or whatever away down there like a crazed thing. I wonder if you know that it is making me a bit tired? I’ve had a very long week at work already even though its only Tuesday. And your Dad left Sydney on Monday morning after dropping me at work for the drive back to Brisbane. So I am hanging out with Cokemeister, who forced me to watch the Oscars last night and I stayed up too late… Retribution is your kicking..
Love you
maybe he’s telling you to get fatter? 😛