
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

The view from where I’m lying June 14, 2009

Hello Speck!

I thought as I lay in bed this morning that I’d share with you what it feels like to be carrying you around at this stage.  Its not something I can readily describe, so a photo is going to have to suffice.

So:  This is what you look like to me when I’m lying in bed…

the view of your home from my perspective – i can still see my toes, just!

Somewhat like a beached whale, you have to agree…


love you



1 Responses to “The view from where I’m lying”

  1. Grandma Says:

    If I blow this photo up I can almost imagine myself twenty-one years ago in exactly the same state in the same place in Brisbane (well, a couple of streets away). How amazing. We caught a taxi to the hospital in the middle of the night as Gretta’s Dad (your aunt 3 remember?) didn’t drive and I remember the taxi driver worrying we wouldn’t make it even though we were so close to the hospital… Gretta came at a rate of knots when she started…hope you give your Mum time to breathe a bit and get used to the process before it revs up.
    Grandma K

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