
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Bored mother. October 12, 2009

Filed under: healthcare,Parenting,Raising a Child — rakster @ 10:08 pm
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Hello Poogie!

You’re bored with me (not being able to pick you up and sling you about in our normal pattern). And I’m just simply bored.

On couch.

Elevated foot.

chilling with mum's broken ankle on the day bed

You learnt to suck your thumb today (as opposed to the previous efforts which was just whatever body part fit in at the time).

Bored mum.

Love you

poogie's first attempts at thumb sucking. Lets hope it doesn't last.


2 Responses to “Bored mother.”

  1. Grandma Says:

    I don’t know why we think it is a dreadful habit – but we do. Cute cute photo however. Looks a bit more like his aunties at this angle.
    Hugs, Grandma

  2. Janelle Says:

    What a cute baby! I bet it’s just miserable being so laid up. I know I feel that way, but I’m just slightly more mobile than you, lol! Get feeling better.

    Thanks for the comment! You’re so sweet! I’ll be 36 wks on Thursday, but I think he’ll come early. We had a pre-term labor scare. Two weeks ago I lost my mucus plug and was having steady contractions that were getting stronger. They finally died down but I’ve been having to take it easy. I’d already dilated to 1 cm but luckily that’s as far as it’s gone. I will find out tomorrow if I’ve progressed anymore. Hopefully he can stay put until I hit 37 wks and I’m sure he will. Who knows, he could still even wait until 42 wks, lol!

    After that we packed our hospital bag. It’s definintely a task that I didn’t want to do. My husband ended up doing most of it. I have a hard time accepting the fact that we’re actually having a baby, lol!

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