
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Some recent photos… September 4, 2010

Your Grandma K requested a few posts ago that we share a few more recent photos of gardening backyard adventures, treks to see the mangy cat up the street, eating sultanas… etc.

So here are a few highlights from the past few weeks (yes, you are still out for the count with high fever and are currently once again passed out in your cot. Poor little thing).

Playing with your Aunts is still high up on the list of favoured activities:

bubble blowing with aunty G at 14.5 months

Then there is gardening with Daddy,

Exploring in the garden

Exploring in the garden at 14.5 months

you were helping to re-pot some Oregano in this photo (and yes, you climbed in there all on your own, and I made you get down yourself too):

planting the oregano - readying the pot at 14.5 months

And finally, in addition to having a fever for the past 5 days, you’ve been teething. One at the bottom and one at the top. So a new tooth:

14 months and a new tooth. that makes 5. (oh, and there is another one at the top, so 6).

Love you,


2 Responses to “Some recent photos…”

  1. faemom Says:

    I love the picture of him standing on the pot of dirt. “Look, Mom! I’m king of the mountain!”

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