Dear Little Miss Boona (babe #2) <December 2011>,
Boona, our affectionate nickname for little Miss Luna.
What to say, what to say?? Life has marched on, and in the middle of the marching, I got a bit faint. Peed on a stick again, and there you were! Due the same date two years later than your big brother.
Busy running around after a 1 then 2 year old while you were busy growing, I didn’t feel quite as open about my pregnancy the second time round. I wasn’t sure why.
Then you joined us, 26th June 2011. Again, though the VJJ with no drugs or whatnot, a bit of a quick process with me eating dinner one minute having a few contractions and then an hour later telling the midwife where to go in no uncertain terms because, “No, I’m not ready to push. I’m not ready to have a f*ing baby right now. Not yet.” And you of course arriving minutes later.
And since you’ve arrived the quietness in the pregnancy has all made sense. You’re a calm and serene and happy little person. Watching, always watching: me or your big brother. Taking it in. But quietly.
When you were in your first 8 weeks I sometimes wanted to poke you to see if you would make a noise. Because you were so silent and content. An occasional squawk or noise (and a yell like a fire engine when your brother tested your boundaries a few times), but generally just using your eyes and smiling mouth to communicate what you want and need…. We’ll have to see what happens when you start to talk.
So here we all are. A family of four, adjusting, growing and learning. About each other, and other random things. Eating a lot. Living in Brisbane, Australia. Working, playing and cooking.
Love mum
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