
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Attack of the killer leeches: Bad Parent of the Day Award? March 20, 2011



We braved the rainy weather this weekend and headed out to a friend’s bush block – about 2 hours drive from Brisbane, he has a little basic wooden hut on a co-op property in Northern NSW.   We figured that we had planned to get out of the city, and rain shouldn’t stop us as we had our wet weather gear.


So we suited up and ventured out into the wild:

Ready for exploring in the rain

Which you thoroughly enjoyed.  On Saturday we stomped about for a while, you did a bit of naked swimming in the fresh-flowing creek, we walked and looked at the co-op vege gardens, and generally watched the rain fall, listened to the whip birds and had a great relaxing time.


And after breakfast this morning we did a bit more stomping through the rain.  You were suited up in your Canadian-purchased Mountain Equipment Co-op full body rain suit and hand-me-down-galoshes (thanks M & B & Co)… So all good, we thought.


However, given that it was raining, the leech to human attack ratio was very high.


And you won the prize for best i.e. worst leech attachment position (or perhaps we both as parents should win bad parents of the day awards for letting you run wild in a rainforest-like setting whilst it was raining and there were lots of creepy crawlies about):


ready for it??


attached to your gum, INSIDE your MOUTH.


Oh yeah, you heard right.  Gross!


thankfully your dad was the one in closest reach so found it and wrenched the darned thing out, after first having the thought process:

“Oh, O has a bit of spinach in his mouth…… Wait a minute!  1. O doesn’t generally eat spinach (we did have it for breakfast but I doubt he ate any) and 2. it’s moving!!”





Love mum

P.S. and yeah, I would have taken a photo except I would have had to drag you back up to the hut through the grass, leech still attached etc, in order to retrieve the camera.  We figured it was a situation best dealt with immediately.

P.P.S. And for those of you who have never experienced the joyous experience that is having an Australian blood-sucking leech stuck to you and having to remove the darn thing by pulling it off, it’s something that is so gross that despite years of bushwalking and experiencing leeches I just can’t get over my feeling of digust over…  So welcome to that world, O!


2 Responses to “Attack of the killer leeches: Bad Parent of the Day Award?”

  1. faemom Says:

    Oh Dear God, NO! Oh, wow. That is one for the books.

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