So, not sure what happened to the happy hormones, but they kinda just upped and left me all alone with the grumpy ones about a week ago. It co-incided with my pelvic-floor/back deciding that it really only had the stamina to hold a growing baby until week 28 and that it was just going to give up and go with the strain of it all. Pity it didn’t co-ordinate with my nerve-endings and decide to release a bunch of serotonin at the same time – that would have made it bearable. Why can’t we control that ourselves??
So. Grumpy 28-week pregnant lady on the loose.
That is me.
Thankfully however a few months ago I booked myself my first trip-away from child #1 (Poogie) down to Sydney for this week. So here I am in Sydney for a few days, sans-child and sans-husband.
A bit of work, and a bit of play before I’m not allowed to fly anymore. So today, after a day at work yesterday, I plan to shake off the grumpiness by consuming all manner of sweet desserts at Adriano Zumbo’s after a short walk from the relaxing lounge where I am currently reclining at Chez Shef’s…. (thank-you for welcoming me into your home – read: letting me invade and take over once again).
love mum
ps. I have just reviewed my state at 28 weeks in my last pregancy. And lo and behold, surprise, surprise: I was grumpy, the happy hormones had deserted me, and I was compensating with dessert…
p.p.s. and to cheer me up this morning already, two of our dearest friends just welcomed their beautiful little girl into the world. So I’m smiling at least a little 🙂
- Shefali
- Stav
- Me
You can’t have happy hormones the whole pregnancy because then you would be a freak of nature.
So how is the trip without “baggage”?
True, true… Downs make the ups more exciting!!
On the way home tonight and feelings are a bit mixed: I feel like I’ve talked more in the past 5 days than I have in the past whole year. Which is good, and mostly not about kids!! But I have really missed the little one…