
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Things to do with great eggs (and Passionfruit): #3 Passionfruit Pie… Yum.. July 26, 2011

Filed under: Parenting — rakster @ 2:42 pm

So.  Things to do with:

a) good eggs (see our supply), and

b) a surfeit of late-season passionfruit (again, see our home-grown supply)

while trying to manage a two-year old and a four-week old.


Well, drive yourself slightly insane but ensure you have a good dessert of course.

Passionfruit tart.

Passionfruit tart / pie…

I may or may not have almost had a meltdown trying to put the two-year old down for his midday nap when he decided to kick-up a stink because I really wanted some me-time to cook… And had my heart set on it and the pastry already in the fridge (think
) style.

Anyway, crisis was averted, the two-year old slept and I got to therapeutically mix a lot of butter, sugar, and a bit of passionfruit together to make a tart.


Dinner of course was up to the lovely husband.   Because I didn’t care about proper food.  Just dessert.


Anyway.  Mother of the day award: me.


Two-year old was bribed into perfect behaviour for the rest of the day with the inducement of passionfruit tart (or custard as he called it – where does he get custard?? Kindy I guess??) after dinner.  Which he thoroughly enjoyed (I’m normally a no sugar at all for him policy person but my standards are already slipping…).


Enjoying passionfruit pie (self-dressed in his favourite ‘wooly hat’)


I enjoyed my piece too.



Life is but a dream.. July 24, 2011

Filed under: Parenting — rakster @ 4:43 pm


I kinda forgot how much freshly pressed babes sleep….

Lovely Sunday afternoon: a nap with Luna in bed, breastfeeding then reading a book while Poogie and Daddy are out adventuring on the bike.



Monday morning tea July 18, 2011

Morning tea on the deck overlooking the river at the state library after a play.


We are all going to need a nap today: exhausting for me, but fun!



Sunday afternoon July 17, 2011

I just ate!



Welcome Luna! July 8, 2011

Filed under: Parenting — rakster @ 11:54 am



Welcome Luna Myfanwy
