
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Welcome Luna! July 8, 2011

Filed under: Parenting — rakster @ 11:54 am



Welcome Luna Myfanwy

Long time no write: I was in quiet mode, cooking and cleaning and just waiting for the bump inside my tummy to decide that it was time to come out.  … and have been somewhat busy since..


A full birth story will follow at some point in the next few weeks/months, but in summary:  out she came Sunday 26 June.   At around 4pm I started to have contractions about 10 minutes apart while I was playing on the trampoline and in the garden with little O.  Thinking we had a bunch of time, C cooked dinner (started to), thankfully went and got my sister to help out if needed, and at about 5 I started to pack the hospital bag properly.  I abandoned that soon after and scrawled a list for C to finish…

Had a bath at about 6ish with little O, trying to keep calm through contractions while he ‘swam’ around me in the bathtub.  And told him the baby was coming soon.   He was excited and happy, and told me he’d meet the baby soon, as “baby coming out”.

7pm and I was trying to eat dinner but thinking that the contractions were kinda strongish and the whole breathing thing wasn’t working for me so well any more.  Feeling kinda panicky.  Kissed little O goodnight between contractions and he went straight to sleep.

7:34 pm in the car to drive to the hospital.

Thankfully the hospital is close.  Got to the hospital, got in the shower, got out of the shower, 8:32 pm Luna was born.  I think she would have come out a bit earlier, except she, like her big brother, was backwards ie posterior.  So the little bugger got wedged on the last turn again.  And I wasn’t quite as in awe of the whole thing this time and there were definitely some expletives uttered.   But overall despite being hard to push out, she was gorgeous and I was shocked that we’d grown a little girl (the same way I was shocked we’d grown a boy last time).

And we did it again without the need for any medical intervention, which was how we wanted it.

Luna however had some different ideas and wasn’t quite ready to breathe well by herself, so went to the ICU unit for just under 24 hours where she got some help with breathing and clearing fluid from her lungs.  But she recovered beautifully, and was able to breathe independently quite quickly, so I was able to breastfeed her on day two, and take her back to the normal ward.  One night in the hospital all together and we were ready to go home.


So we’ve been home for a bit more than a week: adjusting, looking, learning about each other.

There bubby, it’s ok, I’ll give you a kiss




So welcome little Luna.


so happy you came out to meet us and are safe and well.


love mum, dad and O

And some photos of Luna’s first week:



4 Responses to “Welcome Luna!”

  1. Kathy Says:


    Your pictures are beautiful – I love the one of your son kissing his new little sister’s forehead. So sweet!

  2. Janelle Says:

    Oh you had a baby! Congratulations! That is so exciting!

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