
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Ekka Time August 14, 2013

Filed under: activities for kids,family,Parenting — rakster @ 9:01 am

Petting the animals

It’s the time of the Royal Agricultural Exhibition, or Ekka as it’s known.

We haven’t taken the kids so far, cause it is typically busy and a bit full-on, but the lure of the baby animal nursery, where there are hundreds of little animals in an enclosure won out: you can walk right in and feed, pat and generally get close to them.

So C took the morning off work and with his rules of “no carnies, no show bags”, we ventured forth.

And it was fun!


The kids got initiated into the famous Ekka strawberry icecreams…


Strawberry Ekka Icecreams


being gentle with the chicks




Cheddar Cheese Bread August 12, 2013

Filed under: cooking,eating,Raising a Child — rakster @ 7:09 am
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I went on a cooking spree yesterday afternoon and finally cooked a few loaves from the Rose Levy Beranbaum Bread Bible that I bought for C for Christmas 4 years ago!

I give you: Cheddar Cheese Bread..


My kitchen smells amazing, the bread cuts beautifully, and tastes just the right cheesy…



Tree Climbing August 8, 2013

Filed under: family,playing,Raising a Child — rakster @ 9:20 pm

Little O loves to climb…

In the big tree in Fairfield


Today we had a doctor’s apartment and afterwards there was a special request for a park stop on the way home.

And this is where he hung…