
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Father’s Day – cooking; and a bit of a boogie – movie monday September 6, 2010

Hello Poogie,

Yesterday was Father’s Day here in Australia. So we got up (not so early, as thankfully for the first night since you came down with a fever 5 days ago you slept through, until 5am when you breastfed then went back to sleep until 7:30am. Bliss! First present of the day to Dad and me!!), then you and I cooked Daddy french toast for breakfast.

cooking with a baby

cooking with mum for father’s day

I like standing up here with you!



Level of understanding – babies ‘get’ a lot more than I give them credit for August 11, 2010


So. Last night. I was ready to go to uni and was just giving you a breastfeed before running out the door. You’re totally used to the night-time routine, so you knew what was going on. Sometimes if I’m too slow (running behind schedule), you come into the bedroom and get on the bed and tell me, “boobie, boobie, boobie” with your sign language to let me know that it is time for boobie. And then when you’re done sometimes you let me know that you’re ready for the next step (going to Daddy to say goodnight), by signing “Daddy” and saying “DaDa” then signing “Goodbye” (waving). So you’re totally on-top-of-it generally. But last night just blew me away. (more…)


Hanging out the nappies (diapers) with Special Bonus: Sandcastles – Movie Monday August 9, 2010

See! Cloth nappies / diapers really aren’t that much effort at all – especially when you have help! (more…)


Naked in the sandpit. August 4, 2010

I’d post a photo but I didn’t get one. Just a quick note to say that you are absolutely LOVING the new sandpit that G,K,F&L gave you for your birthday. And after a trip to IKEA on the weekend (which reminded me why we only ever go once a year), I finally remembered to buy you some buckets and spades and the like, and it is now even better.

Yesterday the weather was again glorious. A bit of a cold nip in the wind, perhaps, but in the sun at least 20 degrees (celcius). So plenty warm. Pretty good for mid-winter.

Anyway, your Grandma K came over to see you and you both had a lovely play down there in the garden (while I, joy of joys, worked on my statistics assignment.. yes, I went back to uni about 3 months ago, did I mention that yet?). Anyway, we stripped you down to your bare skin so you could (more…)


Baby Sign – Cat! – Movie Monday July 19, 2010


Cat it is … (more…)


Too much to even try to catch-up. July 18, 2010

Hello Poogie,

once again, weeks have gone by and I haven’t had the time to write. This happens once in a while – a few days go by, then I think, “Aha, I should write about …….”. Then a few more days go by, I forget what it was then I start to get overwhelmed with how much I have to write. So I don’t… and then the cycle continues.

In this case I’ve also been rather extremely busy: we’ve been getting used to Childcare (you and I), I’ve been working and my work project went somewhat sideways so required some brainpower and attention, uni is getting busy – just wrote my first exam on Saturday and we’ve started work on the assignment…. And you just are SO much fun to hang out with, that when you’re awake and I’m not working I just want to play with you. So housework and writing blogs has been slightly sidelined in preference to actual living.

(Oh, and I’ve developed a slight addiction to (more…)


Bike Maintenance by a baby June 18, 2010

So in the spirit of adventure, I bought myself a new baby seat for my bike for my upcoming birthday. Your lovely Aunt C lugged it all the way back from New York with her..

Yes, it is a bit of a present for you too, as you’re obviously the one who will sit in it for the moment, but really it’s so I can have some bike freedom back! And your neck is now strong enough for safe riding as it will hold a helmet well without strain.

It’s a Wee Rider .. Which I spent a lot of time choosing but really who knows until you try it, right? So more on how it goes later.

Because before I can get you into the seat and we can pedal off into the horizon to explore the world to our heart’s content, we need to get it onto the bike and feel safe. (more…)


Exploring the wild… June 17, 2010

So, one of the things you’re really getting into at the moment is exploring the wild places in life. Like our back garden.

exploring the garden

exploring the garden

Which is all great fun. You’ve mostly stopped putting absolutely everything into your mouth all the time (now it is just most things about 20% of the time), so I feel more (more…)


WALKING!!! – Movie June 2, 2010

poogie learning to walk


Well, all I can say is that our little family has been flat-out!

So have had not a minute to write anything on the blog, take photos, do videos. Anything.

But. Last night’s video that your dad took of your and your Aunt R1 warrants a post.

Because he finally got you on camera – WALKING!



Reaching and tentative efforts at stepping out! – Belated Movie Monday May 19, 2010

Standing – look – no hands!!