Well, we’ve been out of action for 9-10 days now and both you and I are going slightly crazy…. To say the least.
I’m confident we’re on the home stretch, but this flu has been horrible. And so not only have we been feeling not great, but in the interests of infecting the least number of others we’ve been laying low and staying around home a lot. And you and I are both sick of the walls in the house. (more…)
your new trick for this week is improved communication.
We now definitely have “Mama”, “Dada”, “there” and that’s about it verbally that we can make out. But this weekend you added three hand movements: (more…)
I nearly cried today with happiness. Watching you at the State Library’s Kid’s Corner for Thursday’s sing-a-long rhyme and kids songs. You just LOVED IT and you had a look of pure joy on your face.
We’ve been before when you were younger but today was just amazing. A first for the level of your interaction and watchfulness and awareness of other kids and yourself as one of them, and of your ability to explore and enjoy in a self-directed way. It was just beautiful for me to watch. (more…)
You’ve taken the Laugh Your Ass Off Game to a whole new level. You are regaling us with fits of laughter daily. I managed to get this one on camera – it was just after you woke up from a nap.
So. I made a plan to redo our kitchen at some point – it’s all open shelving. But I was kinda hoping I would have had a few more months. But no. Open shelving about 40 cm off the ground is of course prime target for a crawling baby who has learned to pull himself up in his cot this week. I turned around today and there you were: upright and enjoying yourself. The camera was beside me so I got it on film. I guess today’s adventure was just the start:
The end of the shelving in the video is all just books. But all the crockery, pots, pans and an assortment of other random stuff is out there in the open. Waiting for a marauding eight-month-old to pull it all down right on his head.
Yep, that is me using another one of those finnicky acronyms that usually piss me off. But my mood is up and it can’t be diquieted with simple annoyances for the enjoyable things in life win-out.
Today’s pleasure: the LYAO (Laugh your ass off) game.
Again, a developmental milestone that is talked about in the baby books and literature is babies learning to laugh. You’ve definitely nailed it.
There was no way before I had you that I could have imagined the immense pleasure and pure hilarity of just sitting there on the floor with you on the bed, playing our Laugh Your Ass Off Game.
The funniest thing is, I end up in huge fits of belly-shaking convulsive for-real laughter too. Good for the soul.
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