See! Cloth nappies / diapers really aren’t that much effort at all – especially when you have help! (more…)

Hanging out the nappies (diapers) with Special Bonus: Sandcastles – Movie Monday August 9, 2010
Tags: baby helping, cloth diapers, cloth nappy washing, fun, holidays, movie monday, sand castles

Naked in the sandpit. August 4, 2010
Tags: baby play., ikea furniture, sandpit play, toy box
I’d post a photo but I didn’t get one. Just a quick note to say that you are absolutely LOVING the new sandpit that G,K,F&L gave you for your birthday. And after a trip to IKEA on the weekend (which reminded me why we only ever go once a year), I finally remembered to buy you some buckets and spades and the like, and it is now even better.
Yesterday the weather was again glorious. A bit of a cold nip in the wind, perhaps, but in the sun at least 20 degrees (celcius). So plenty warm. Pretty good for mid-winter.
Anyway, your Grandma K came over to see you and you both had a lovely play down there in the garden (while I, joy of joys, worked on my statistics assignment.. yes, I went back to uni about 3 months ago, did I mention that yet?). Anyway, we stripped you down to your bare skin so you could (more…)

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