
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Hashimoto and me.. November 13, 2008

Hiya Speck,

so its been another rollercoaster day, with a bit of crying, a bit of laughing, a bit of singing and now a bit of writing.

The crying:
I didn’t tell you the other day ’cause I didn’t think it was necessarily anything, but one of my blood tests came back with a funny result so I went in three days ago and had some more. And I found out today that based on those I have Hashimoto’s disease.  Woot.  What does it mean?  Well, from what I can gather my white blood cells are attacking my thyroid, and so that might be contributing to my general feelings of exhaustion and inability to concentrate. Though of course, that could just be you also.  You can have a read of what the mayo clinic say if you want:  Hashimoto’s Disease. Bloody Hashimoto. Anyway, felt fine at the doctors when he was telling me but then lost it when I was trying to pay and when I rang your dad to let him know. Makes me feel old. I find it hard to believe that I’m only 32 yet I’m going to have a disease which I have to take medicine for all the rest of my life! And – I’ve already told you how much I hate blood tests – I have to have them relatively frequently to monitor it. Erk!! Anyway, it sounds like for you it might be bad news too – but hopefully we’ve found it in time & it won’t affect your development. I’ve had a search but can’t find much information about it – if I was taking a drug the whole time I was pregnant apparently its ok and little effect on you, but not sure what it means that I’m 8 weeks pregnant and only just starting. I know you don’t get your own thyroid gland until later, so hopefully you just don’t need anything at the moment…

..was going to write more but the tiredness is inescapable. going for a nap. love you.



hiya! you are there. and you’ve got bigger November 5, 2008

Filed under: exhaustion,pregnancy — rakster @ 10:15 pm
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Hiya Speck~

good work!  you’re now a more sizeable blob down there in my uterus.  Just slightly bigger than the yolk sac that is beside you..  And you’re due on the 25 June 2009 cause apparently you are exactly six weeks and six days old.  So yes, I must have had my dates all wrong or my body was all confused after the operation, cause that doesn’t tally with anything.

Anyway, pleased to say your Dad and I are very excited.  And worried.  There are apparently no free obstetricians available for the time you’re coming that haven’t already been booked out.  How does that work? I guess you have to come out regardless, so we’ll just have to cope.  But hopefully find one in the meantime.  So, we have your first printed photo.  Its a bit blurry, but that might be ’cause your heart was beating.  At 168 beats per minute, which is apparently in the normal range for your ‘age’.

blah blah blah. my mind can’t think straight, so I definitely can’t get a cohesive thought out to you.  Its jumping all around like a .. I can’t finish the sentence.

Tired, exhausted after a night at uni after finding out you were ok.  Your dad has aged about 3 years in one afternoon.  I think he is shocked.  But happy.  But shocked.  He jumped out of the chair when your heart beat.  Good on you!

Sleepy. Going to crash.  Its also a folding washing avoidance technique.

Love you



…..zzzzzzz…… October 27, 2008

Filed under: exhaustion,pregnancy — rakster @ 10:32 am
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Hi Speck!

Either you’re still there or I’m just incredibly tired for no reason.  I can barely get through the day to 7pm before I’m falling asleep at the table.  We went to Brisbane for the weekend and my stongest memories of it today are of falling asleep – at dinner on Friday, dinner on Saturday and dinner on Sunday.  I hope you’re appreciating the amount of energy you’re draining from me 🙂

We went and saw our house and I wondered where you’d play and what changes we’d need to make there to make it safe and fun for you.  I ate a few of my favourite spinach & cheese pies to make sure you got some iron.  We visited some friends & family.  And the rest is a blur.

But we’re going to talk to the doctor about you this afternoon, so hang in there & keep at it.

love you



Morning October 24, 2008

Filed under: emotion,exhaustion,pregnancy — rakster @ 8:14 am
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Hey Speck,

well, no morning sickness at all yet, though I am very tired.  Though that could just be because I’m stressed.  Too much to do at work and behind in my uni work (again).  I just don’t know when I’ll have time to catch up, because we’re off to Brisvegas tonight for the weekend and it will be pretty busy.  I need to fit some research on my assignment in there somewhere though.

I’m still worried about you, but kinda resigned to just having to wait and see.  Keep it up.

love you.



Exhuasted October 21, 2008

Filed under: exhaustion,pregnancy — rakster @ 3:52 pm

Hiya you,

Are you as tired as I am? I’m trying desperately to stay awake at work while people in the meeting I’m in seek for my input on scintilating topics like subscriber migrations and number management.

I have a meeting tonight after work with my uni assignment group, not sure that I’ll be any use at all!