
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Ok. People warned me about smelly poos when you moved onto solids. They should have been more specific. Yoghurt is the worst. November 25, 2009

Filed under: baby's feelings,Parenting,Raising a Child — rakster @ 4:38 pm
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Oh my goodness. You smell like a gross thing. Here I was, thinking I was coping with the newly changed poo-situation quite well. Until this morning.

Another poo on the mat, floor, all over you episode. But this time with me trying not to gag as I wiped you down and washed everything, including you.

poo on the mat

lovely. Stinky poo to roll in.

Yerk. It was definitely the yoghurt. I mentioned it to someone else today, and they said, “oh yeah, yoghurt was the worst”. I wish I’d been warned. I would have added it to your diet a little later.


rolling in the muck

happy as a pig in mud. No, as a baby in poo. Muck. Yuck.

Yet you still looked so happy, rolling around in it when I got out from the shower. Needless to say, the clean-up took a while, but not as bad as last time. And, due to the requests last time, I did stop to take a photo. What the heck, you already had it all over you.

love you stinky poo pants


lessons learned about nappy free time November 17, 2009

Filed under: baby stuff,Parenting,Raising a Child — rakster @ 3:07 pm
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1. when you have a four-month old baby who has learned to roll over (almost both ways at will) they are more mobile than before.  (doh!)

2. when you have a four-month old baby that wants something it can’t quite reach, it will wiggle and roll until it gets there

3. nappy-free time is good for very hot days (34 degrees centigrade & sweltering) and makes for an amused and happy baby who may play on the floor by themselves leaving you to do the laundry or something else (like talk on the phone) and thus pay less attention to their every move (and noises, facial expressions) than you normally would

4. four-month old babies like to play with their feet and raise them almost to their mouths.

4. when said baby decides it’s time for a poo he will have inevitably moved from the carefully-laid towel, have his feet near his mouth, and it will be the less-than-solid variety of poo that appears, with great force and noise, from his anus.

READ:  Poogie, you CRAPPED in an EXPLOSIVE and LOUD manner all over everything.

Towel – covered a bit

Playgym – covered

Mat – covered

Kitchen floor – covered

Kitchen wall – covered

Your body – covered.

Excellent work.

Love mum