
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Your first tooth. For real this time! February 2, 2010


Well baby, you got your first tooth for real today. Yes, I know I’ve blogged about your previous weird ‘tooth’

(which, incidentally is still there and a little weird, but I’ve just gotten used to ignoring it), but today, no mistaking it, a real tooth has emerged.

In the right spot: front and centre on the bottom row. So today you’re 7 (seven) months and one week old and it has emerged. Slightly slower than the average milestone date, I think, but right on cue according to Mayo Clinic.

You slept for HOURS this morning (I took your cue and had a sleep-in too – much needed as your waking in the night has had me a bit short of zzzz). And you are at it again now. SO – teething must be an energy-consuming ordeal. Not too much crying, just a bit clingy.

You bit my boobies when you were feeding yesterday and there was no tooth. Gee I hope you don’t do it too often from now on..

love mum

p.s. I tried to get a photo but it proved difficult…


p.p.s. JFARCA958Y42


First tooth October 28, 2009

Hello Poogie,

Well. Look what I found this morning: a new tooth coming through! You’ve been a bit grisly for the past few days, with a few screaming episodes in the afternoons. Yesterday was particularly bad, but you had your four-month immunisations yesterday so I figured it was due to that.

But, this morning I was rubbing your gums as you seem to like that at the moment, and felt that “grain of sand” feeling in your gum… On closer inspection, there is a patch of white and it appears to be a tooth! Mind you, not sure it’s growing in the right spot – it seems to be coming out of your gum beneath the tooth ridge rather than on it. But I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Good for you.

Big you.


And the doctor has advised that the latest research about allergies suggests you should try to start on solids now, at four months. So this week we might give that a go. I’ve been teetering about it as there is so much literature out there that is contradictory – six months, four months, blah blah. But you’re growing a tooth, so I reckon you might be ready for a bit. So your Dad and I think we’ll try a little. And since I can’t walk properly yet it will be others that will have to help with the mess!

love you


P.S. You’re four months and one week old.