Hello Poogie Woogie,
Well. Days are flying by and all I seem to do still is feed you, change you, get you to sleep (though you’re pretty good at that yourself, I must say – compliments). Repeat. Oh. That’s not true. We do lots of talking practice and read books and practice mouth movements in between too. But basically my whole day gets sucked up playing with you and looking after you. Its crazy. I knew it would be like this but at the same time its still very different from what I expected. The time is flying by but it isn’t at the same time. You’re 12 weeks old tomorrow.
So, what have you done in the first twelve weeks? So many things:
- learned to look at us and interact with your eyes (you can now beat me in a staring competition and you sure are expressive with your eyes)
- learned to smile and giggle and laugh with people who are talking to you
- learned to use your hands – putting them in your mouth and staring at them close-up to your face, starting to grab things and hold on (only just)
- learned to hold your head up when you’re in tummy time and look around – you’ve got much stronger than when you first came home from hospital
- learned to practice talking. You’re not quite babbling yet, but you’re almost there – lots of ohhh, ahh noices. Your current nickname (from your dad and I) is “Apu”. We’re thinking of it being your second name.
- learned to put yourself to sleep. Now this one is pretty good. I’m proud of you for this. When you”re tired, as long as you’re not overtired, we can pop you down in your cot, maybe slightly swaddled, and you’ll go to sleep by yourself, quite happily. WHen you’re overtired, nothing works but putting you in the sling and bouncing you around for 5 minutes. And listening to a bit of screaming in the meantime.
- learned how to breastfeed MUCH better than when you started. Ahh.. And the best – you’re good at it lying down too.
- learned what being scared is like (at the football)
- learned how to listen to stories being read to you
- learned how to poke your tongue out at me (imitating me poking mine at you)
- and grown out of three sizes of clothing (you’re now a size 00 – been through 00000, 0000 and 000).
- … the list goes on …
- and finally this week you’ve learned what it is like to get diarrohea (and mum has learned how many nappies it is possible to go through in one day. Hundreds. By the way the doctor thinks maybe the diarrohea is from your Rota virus vaccination, but you’re otherwise ok in that you’re not dehydrated, your temperature is normal so its all good).
you sleeping this morning - 12 weeks old. In your normal 'arms-out' position
I had to count through the calender today to work out how many weeks old you were – for some reason I thought it was more like 14-15, but then I figured you weren’t quite 3 months yet, so I had to be wrong…
So. We’re down to Lismore with you for the night tonight, and then hopefully the beach with you tomorrow. I am going to have to find you a sun-safe suit to wear. Your Aunt R kindly gave you some excellent new swimmers that will hold everything in (like a tight wet-suit) and you have the gorgeous board shorts from A-M, so you’re good for swimming, but might need more for extra coverage during the day… And a new hat.
love you
Me and You Today - 11 weeks 6 days. Gee you're big!
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