
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Something to celebrate (but not the election). August 22, 2010

Celebration today!

Sleep, glorious sleep.  ….

Yes, the getting you back into sleeping through the night effort has paid off.  Your dad and I had a lovely sleep all through the night last night (and the night before would have been great except for the rowdy neighbours who decided to have a singalong to 80’s tunes at 3am until your Aunty Reeg went outside wrapped in a towel and told them to pipe down as “don’t you know there is a baby living here” – she said it was friends of theirs rather than the actual neighbours, who we get on with well but were no-where to be seen)!  Two nights in a row you’ve made it through from 7pm to 7am again without a peep.

Without a peep!!  And so, the disappointment and disillusionment I feel (more…)