
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Fever! (and counting) March 16, 2011



I had a premonition today that things weren’t quite right.  So I phoned your daycare at 2:00pm, when I knew you’d be sleeping, just to see how things were going.


“Great, great, great, he’s having a great day…”

I had a good chat with your teacher and all seemed well, you’d been interacting well, trying really hard to talk in whole sentences all morning, and having a ball in general.


Then 30 minutes later at 3:00pm I got a call:

“O has woken up and he has a bit of a high fever, your intuition was right!”..


So I went and got you – and you were a little crying mess of hot sweaty 38.9 degree celcius feverish boy when I got there.  Poor thing.  So we went home, took the advice of the hospital from last time and after you having some panadol did no cold compresses or showers or anything, just some quiet time reading and cuddling together in bed.   Which worked fine for the first hour while the panadol was still taking effect.


And I learned something about you through the constant stream of babble-talk that you went on with while in your half-sick-crazed state.  You can count to ten perfectly.  Over and over.  In the middle of sentences, like:

“Mummy, daddy, magpie up in the tree, eating icecream, and then big bang, hockey hockey ball ball, hit ball up up.  One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, um, eight, nine, ten.  Hungry caterpillar, magpie waddle giggle gargle, mummy….”

🙂 small things.  Kind of astounding because your Dad and I certainly haven’t taught you that.  And we don’t watch TV or anything that really has that kind of counting in it.  Must be osmosis at daycare!


love mum

(p.s. 21 months)


Fever! And it’s not translating to the dance floor variety. September 1, 2010

Hello Little Poogie,

Long time no write. I think I’m suffering from what Faemom (one of my favourite other mum / mom bloggers) refers to as Psychic Block: a lack of motivation following my exam and end of semester on the weekend. This follows on from a lack of writing due to what I refer to as the Procrastination Effect: (more…)


Murphy’s Law, Christmas and an Ear Infection December 24, 2009

Hello Poogie,

you are reclining on our bed, coming in and out of dozing.  You are officially ear-infected, and on a bunch of paracetamol to bring your 39.5 degree celcius (that’s 103.1 farenheit) fever down.

Yesterday you came down with a fever in the morning, so I dosed you up on paracetamol, as it was pretty high, and made sure to give you lots of breastmilk during the day.  I am not a generally ‘give babies paracetamol’ kinda person, but your temperature was HIGH and you were burning up, and I’d rather keep your temperature down so you have a chance to recover.  You seemed to get better, but another fever spike late in the afternoon, so we kept you in bed with us and you spiked again around midnight.  The paracetamol seemed to bring it down, and you weren’t screaming in pain or anything, but oh, so hot.  The books I read seemed to say you’d be ok if the fever came down with paracetamol, but I figured 24 hours the day before Christmas was long enough to wait to see if you could right yourself, and I didn’t want to spend the next two days lining up at the emergency ward of the hospital…

So.  I managed to convince the lovely receptionist at the Doctor that we really did need an emergency appointment, she was much more resistant than normal but finally relented.  You screaming your way through the waiting room I’m sure helped us get moved up the list…  And you have a middle ear infection.  Right on the six-month mark – just what the baby books say is common in infants six months to 2 years.  Good work.  I’ve had a stressful night and morning worrying about you – not just the ear, but the antibiotics too – both my sister and I are allergic to the one you got prescribed, so I’ve been watching you to make sure you’re ok with it..  But now, apart from being very dopey, you seem a lot better.  The doctor said 24 hours or so until we should see a big improvement, and to lay low.

So.  Santa, be quiet when you come, we have a sleeping, dozing, recovering baby in the house.

