
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

You're engaged June 19, 2009

Filed under: pregnancy — rakster @ 3:47 pm

Hello speckle!

Well, we are finally in the car and on our way to p & j’s wedding in northern nsw…. It’s been a bit of a manic day, on which I ( to your dad’s dismay) have been fuelled almost entirely by an array of amazing sugary treats that your aunt 2 brought over for my birthday this morning.

So, we headed in to see the doctor this morning for a quick check on you. And you’re all good: your head is down further, in fact you’re engaged! Locked on in… And walking around today I can tell, it feels like you’re wriggling around so you can come out soon. You’ve officially got 6 days to go, but as the dr pointed out today, that could still mean you want to hang out in there for a few more weeks.. He asked if we wanted to get you to come out – as he said it can take a week to 10 days to organize an induction with the hospital. We said we were happy to let you try to work yourself out in your own time. Which he is all fine with too, I think until you’re around two weeks after expected. In which case he might encourage us to get you to come out with some artificial hormones… But I’m hoping the raspberry leaf tea and some acupuncture will give you the right cues..

Anyway, perhaps now cause we’re going three hours from the hospital you can hang upside down in there for a few more days??

Love you

Ps. My blood pressure still is totally good.